Beautifully Directed by Jeremiah Kipp, LOST + FOUND is a haunting retelling of Satan’s fall from Heaven – and ‘her’ plot for revenge.

Brian Morgan (Director of Photography) creates a visually stunning short film that encompasses the look and feel of movies from Hollywood’s Golden Age.  The film draws you in from the very first frame.

The story, adapted by Laura Sweeney, is based on “Paradise Lost” – an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton (1608-1674).  The poem concerns the biblical story of the Fall of Man:  the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel, Satan, and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

Enter Plotzke – who gives a commanding  performance as Satan.  Satan is told about “another world – the happy seat of some new race called man.”  The use of slow motion while Satan is hunting her prey – makes for a wonderful moment in the film.  Satan is a seductress – to seduce man – into her party.

The simplistic, yet dramatic locations, add to the layering of the story.  The representation of stardust on the face and body of Adam and Eve is brilliantly subtle.  It represents perfection – until Eve eats the apple and awakens without the stardust.  It lets the audience know what Eve is describing to Adam as a dream – was real.

The language of the writing takes on a Shakespearean tone.  You have to listen carefully to follow the journey.  The score creates the emotional undertone of the film.

LOST + FOUND delivers an example of what true artistic heights can be achieved – in only 7 minutes.

The Prince of Darkness has met his match.  Meet the “Princess” of Darkness in LOST + FOUND.