


As a topic that most indie filmmakers, and let’s face it, a lot of Hollywood directors tend to struggle with, the sexploration subgenre is commonly plagued with stereotypes and lousy writing. Too often, its characters are written to be taken at face value, creating a sort of taboo around seeking pleasure, both mutual and personal. This barrier doesn’t just exist within the confines of a film; it can also bleed into the real world. So therefore, it’s refreshing when You, Me, & Her comes around, which not only highlights the excitement that comes with discovering one’s sexuality but also the awkwardness that comes with it.

Mags (Selina Ringel) and Ash (Ritesh Rajan) are stuck in a sexless, unfulfilling marriage. Mags’ work as a financial advisor keeps their family afloat, but Ash is struggling with his cannabis startup company. Even with their baby lifting their spirits, the couple’s love life is in a shambles, for lack of a better word. Ash is withdrawn, preferring long work hours and pornography as opposed to quality time with his wife. It’s during a cozy holiday that the pair meet the vibrant Angela (Sydney Park), who might hold the solution to Ash and Mags’ unfulfilling bedroom situation. With a potential threesome on the horizon, the couple has newfound hope for the future of their relationship.

The premise of You, Me, & Her is simple enough but consciously written to be a character-driven experience. It takes a little while to get to the romantic vacation in question, but the plot kicks into high gear once Ash and Mags hit the nightclubs and resorts. Selina Ringel’s screenplay relishes the slow-burn process of each person coming into their own. Mags’ struggle with her devotion to Ash is evident, as is her yearning for something fresh and exciting. Both sides of her are done justice here, especially as she begins to find courage in her newfound desires. Ash definitely doesn’t seem like the redeemable type when we first meet him, but you can’t help but cheer him on as he gradually opens up to Mags and to himself. His best scene comes in a strip club of all places, where he’s nearly coerced into an encounter by the particularly forceful Manolo (Roberto Aguire).

Park’s Angela is a delight, stealing each scene with her charm and charisma from the moment we meet her on the beach. The filmmakers and director Dan Levy Dagerman show a great deal of respect for the story, handling the steamier scenes tastefully and the conversations about them open-mindedly. Not to be drowned out by all the seriousness, though, the film is also surprisingly sweet and funny, dismantling stigmas with an awkwardly humorous disposition.

It’s also worth mentioning that You, Me, & Her is a well made film. Michael Street’s work behind the camera authentically captures each moment, whether it’s in the comfort of a suburban home or exotic neon-soaked bars. Overall, though, it’s the story that carries the most power. It punches well above its weight, providing a cinematic safe space for modern audiences and dispelling any and all negative connotations associated with discovering one’s sexuality.




5 (1) As a topic that most indie filmmakers, and let’s face it, a lot of Hollywood directors tend to struggle with, the sexploration subgenre

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