


Otto’s (Bobby Soto) life in county jail hangs in the balance. After being denied parole and unable to make a call to his daughter, he borrows a secret mobile phone from fellow inmate Primo Alomar (Fabian Alomar) to try and make contact. Otto’s call goes to voicemail, but an alarm abruptly interrupts his message. A fire has been spotted near the hillside, and Captain Barnes (Darin Cooper) rushes Otto, Primo, and their friend Shawn (Joshua Caleb Johnson) out to help fight the flames. The sweltering heat of the disaster rises, and survival is no guarantee for Otto and company.

Fireline is not your run-of-the-mill jail drama. Writer/director Robin Takao D’Oench’s short film juxtaposes the harsh realities inmates face in county jail with the more hopeful possibility of reintegration into society. It’s a refreshing perspective that D’Oench has chosen to examine. Everyone is afforded their humanity, even those whom society might be quick to dismiss on a whim.

Compassionate and quiet as Otto, Soto’s performance is incredibly touching to see unfold. You feel his yearning to hear his daughter’s voice, only to hold your breath minutes later when he charges into the blaze. And yet, Soto stands atop the shoulders of his outstanding supporting cast, who are just as memorable. A fire shelter drill with Johnson’s character Shawn opens the film, and it’s the perfect way to establish the friendship between Soto and the team. Additionally, the billowing smoke in the background foreshadows the impending events.

It’s rewarding, if a little terrifying, to see the group finally don their gear and get down to business amidst the embers. The production quality of this sequence is astoundingly realistic, depicting the engulfment of vegetation and the flames surrounding the firefighters. It’s a harrowing sight, and tensions mount as Otto, Shawn, and Primo seem to be getting boxed in from all sides.

Fireline is a beautiful tribute to the incarcerated wildland firefighters of the United States. It burns brightly as a powerful beacon for both family and the possibility of rehabilitation for those behind bars.




5 (1) Otto’s (Bobby Soto) life in county jail hangs in the balance. After being denied parole and unable to make a call to his

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