


Bad Chemistry offers a modern take on a dysfunctional relationship in this chilling horror short film. The story follows Sara (Alex Naumann) in the aftermath of her boyfriend Jonathan’s (Michael Muñoz) death. When his parents (Michelle Stahl and Bill Read Jr.) kindly offer to take her in to help recover from the trauma, Sara soon discovers that there’s more lurking beneath the surface.

Directors Michael Rognlie and EE Tallent craft a nightmarish tale that delves into themes of trauma, grief, and the sinister undercurrents of family dynamics. The film demonstrates a clear vision of the horror genre, and dazzles the audience with this eerie tale of love gone bad. The film opens with a stunning aerial shot, inviting audiences into the world of Sara and her friend Tommy (Jordan Swann). Bad Chemistry’s cinematography (Rognlie) creates a tone of suspense and psychedelic terror.

Rognlie’s chilling script assembles an eerie collection of talent accentuated by Mary (Michelle Stahl). The film has garnered nominations, including awards for best supporting actress (Stahl). Stahl’s performance evokes some of the spine-chilling dark charisma in horror classics like Piper Laurie from the original Carrie. Naumann plays her role in an understated but serene way that creates a bleak, stark quality that makes the audience feel estranged and pugnacious. Muñoz has a twisted but subtle darkness to his character, especially in the scene where Sara confronts him on his lack of motivation and ambition.

The film cleverly shows the most gruesome scenes in a series of dream induced flashbacks, including a hair-raising scene with Sara’s parents (Jennifer Corbridge and Jonathan Holbrook). These sequences are composited together through skillful editing (Rognlie), with flashes of color and luminescence that creates a feeling of anxiety and frightfulness.

Bad Chemistry is a thrilling and suspenseful ride that delivers a chilling tale of terror. The film is bolstered by haunting performances and proficient direction, making it a standout entry in the short horror genre. Rognlie and Tallent offer a poignant exploration of anguish, toxic relationships, domestic nightmares, and the unbreakable bond between parents and their children.

How far will a mother go to protect her son? Sara’s descent into the abyss reshapes the way we view young love. Bad Chemistry keeps the audience on edge, constantly anticipating the darker forces lurking at the end of the tunnel of love.




4 (1) Bad Chemistry offers a modern take on a dysfunctional relationship in this chilling horror short film. The story follows Sara (Alex Naumann) in

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