


We all have the tendency to dismiss or be generally unsatisfied with certain bodily features. It’s a combination of various outside expectations, self-image, and fluctuating confidence coalescing in what we commonly know as insecurities. Zhen Long takes an atypical approach to unpacking this familiar feeling by having her story told through the very hair that sits atop a person’s head.

It’s an interesting premise when you give it some serious thought. Hair is such a touchy topic for many. Some say they have too little; others claim it’s too much. Some need to use all sorts of products in it, while the rest leave it as is. So to see it from such an unconventional angle invites a lot of intrigue, initially at least.

In Hair & I, Long’s character Fiona touches upon her three-year “relationship” with her hair, having put it through numerous different colors, heat treatments, and stress. Long’s perspective guides the ultra-short piece, evoking interest in her choice of subject. On the most fundamental levels of filmmaking, this is a bite-sized personal journey, narrated by Fiona with an assortment of photos and videos to go along with them. The end result is a touch too literal with its visuals to leave a lasting impact. What you hear is what you get, without any serious consideration for framing or lighting variations.

You might not walk away with much if you are looking for something entertaining and slick – with Hair & I’s runtime slipping past without a moment’s notice. Zhen Long is experimenting with her storytelling chops, and while accessible, the short doesn’t quite feel consequential.




2 (1) We all have the tendency to dismiss or be generally unsatisfied with certain bodily features. It’s a combination of various outside expectations, self-image,

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