


The modern dating era is a turbulent one, to be sure, and the New York Short Film Festival’s 2023 Audience Choice Winner, Versace Softboi, matches that unpredictability with its own brand of dark humor.

After a devastating breakup, Alex (Charlie Gillette) enters the world of online dating, encouraged by her supportive best friends Cleo (Becky Granger) and Em (Wesley Han). During a cannabis-fueled girl’s night, Alex excitedly shares that she’s dating a former Versace model. However, as the night progresses, a sense of unease fills the air. Alex struggles with the sensation of being watched from a distance, and her paranoia intensifies when she spots someone sitting outside her apartment (Christian Elán Ortiz). Convinced it’s the man she’s been going out with, panic quickly sets in as Alex finally decides to confront her apparent stalker. Freaky coincidence or Hinge date from hell?

Despite its premise coming across as a downright terrifying ordeal, directors Charlie Gillette and Sarah Metcalf approach Versace Softboi with entertainment in mind. The short is dynamic – chilling one minute and lighthearted the next. The contrast can be a little jarring at times, with characters making some rather questionable decisions in the face of danger. However, Gillette’s screenplay masterfully captures unpredictability, bringing some truly hilarious interactions to life.

Gillette is just as sharp in front of the camera as she is behind it. Gillette skillfully portrays Alex as more than just a helpless character, subtly weaving lingering emotional turmoil from a past breakup into her personality. It’s already stressful to transition from that situation to dating apps, and now stalking, but the addition of two best friends adds a lively element to the narrative.

The entire cast delivers. Granger’s Cleo is brave enough to accompany Alex into the streets, with the two sharing a rather memorable moment in the local store getting snacks. But who can forget Han’s Em, who steals every scene they are in with a delightfully over-the-top performance. Christian Elán Ortiz is the ultimate wildcard; what he lacks in screentime is more than made up for with nuances captured in fleeting seconds.

Stalker stories rarely feel so energetic in spite of their dark undertones, and directors Gillette and Metcalf shine light on the dangers of online dating with a fun, frequently unnerving little thriller that punches well above its weight.




4 (1) The modern dating era is a turbulent one, to be sure, and the New York Short Film Festival’s 2023 Audience Choice Winner, Versace

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