


King Ed, directed by Nick Fascitelli, is a witty and comedic exploration of the search for meaningful romantic relationships. At it’s core is a universal message about the importance of self-identity and self-empowerment, reminding us all that, just like in the Wizard of Oz, what we seek is not to be found outside ourselves, but rather within us.

The film centers around Ed, (played by the very charming and skilled actor Brendan Scannell) a lost and lonely man searching for healing from a recent breakup. Tortured by anxious thoughts and worry (“what if I never meet someone?”) and having exhausted all other attempts at healing his achy breaky heart, (think Swimming with Dolphins and Reiki), he makes a last ditch attempt at healing by making an appointment with a therapist. After filling out an intake form with an unusual checklist, (outbursts in dead languages, thinning of reality’s veil) he is finally introduced to the “Ketamine Oracle” (played by the sultry Sufe Bradshaw of Veep fame) who invites him to go back into his past and find the author of the music playlist that has him feeling so trapped. The music on the playlist is just as much a character in the story as the others, adding elements of nostalgia and romance at just the right moments. (think Pat Benatar’s “We Belong to the Night”).

As we follow Ed (Scannell) and his healing journey with the Oracle (Bradshaw), we gain access into Ed’s tumultuous past and his complex relationships, particularly with his estranged ex, Joseph (Fascitelli). These flashbacks, interspersed with Ed’s present-day reflections and conversations with the Oracle, provide a series of complex moments that shape his current state of mind and drive the narrative forward with humor and excitement that allow us to sympathize with Ed and root for his restored sense of self-love and hope.

Fascitelli’s direction is marked by a creative story telling style, allowing the film’s themes to reveal themselves naturally through nuanced performances and witty dialogue. The film moves at a steady and deliberate pace, allowing the audience to experience Ed’s emotional journey while offering frequent moments of comic relief.

King Ed is a funny and entertaining film that explores the difficulties we have almost all faced in navigating romantic relationships and searching for a life partner. Brendan Scannell delivers a strong performance, embodying Ed with a charming and natural quality that is both relatable and amusing. Bradshaw brings the Oracle to life with her sensuous and fairy-like energy.

Accompanied by a nostalgic musical score, King Ed is an immensely enjoyable film that will have the audience reminiscing about their own past relationships and the blunders we have all made in pursuit of love.




4 (1) King Ed, directed by Nick Fascitelli, is a witty and comedic exploration of the search for meaningful romantic relationships. At it’s core is

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