GREEN COBRA is the genre-bending story of a hit-man (aka Life Ending Technician) who details, to a documentary film crew, her rise in a mostly male dominated field. She is being filmed on the backdrop of a typical day on the job; which consists of Russian mob clients, disturbing methods of torture – and maybe one too many bad ex-boyfriends.
I RESIGN is a student film by filmmaker Aleksa Ristovic – a student at MCAST – Institute for the Creative Arts – MALTA. It is his first student short film which he wrote and directed. It was filmed in one day (16 hours). The story was written and prepared in two months time.
To say making a film is a big undertaking would be an understatement. To have one person wear ALL the hats – and wear them WELL – Writer, Director, Producer, Actor, Cinematographer, Editor, Original Music, Sound Editor and Visual Effects – is STUPENDOUS. That’s what Haston McLaren took on – and accomplished – to make his feature film A LIFE IN AUGUST.
I AM THE WANDERER, Directed by Philip Brocklehurst, is a surreal and meditative film about a young man wandering between hope and despair.
Set in an alternate version of 1985, President Reagan has created a penal colony called “the Redlands” in a stretch of empty Arkansas wastelands. The Redlands are for Communists, drug dealers and murderers, and no one dares enter – but for a price, hired mercenaries can locate and retrieve items there. These deadly kamikazes are simply known as ‘WASTERS”.
A GHOST IN HER EYES is an Award Winning short film that goes on a journey with Alex (Tom Procida) – who gets the gift of “seeing” love and loss through the eyes of a blind woman. It mixes the past and the present with a simple, yet powerful message. Written, Directed, Produced and Starring Procida, the film opens up with the poignant sound of piano keys – playing a memory.
GUN METAL MAX is a brilliant short film that takes the audience on an exciting sci-fi adventure. So impressive is this film – it feels like a summer blockbuster.
At its simplest level, Plushophilia is an intense love of stuffed animals – also called plushies. Plushophilia is only a mental health disorder if the individual becomes obsessed – to the point that it interferes with their ability to function socially. The word can also mean a sexual attraction to stuffed animals.
Beautifully Directed by Jeremiah Kipp, LOST + FOUND is a haunting retelling of Satan’s fall from Heaven – and ‘her’ plot for revenge.