What can you say about a film that comes in at 1 minute and 47 seconds? A lot. Especially if it’s Ryan Nunes’ micro-short Many Faces.
Nunes is writer, director and editor of a film that packs a punch in under 2 minutes. Without using any dialogue from actress Shandy Monte-Raposa who plays a depressed woman, Nunes manages to catch the curiosity of the audience from the opening beat. Where is this story taking us? Through text messages only we are introduced to Jake. These two characters are revealed only via the depressed woman’s cell phone and her reaction to Jake’s texts in trying to reach her.

In such a short amount of time there is a powerful message from the filmmaker. He makes those minutes count revealing a very important topic – a seed for something more. Who are these two characters to each other? Friends, lovers, siblings?
Wonderful films can make us laugh, cry and ponder. When a filmmaker chooses this art form to shed a light on important societal topics – we should listen.
Here’s to Nunes elaborating on the seed he has planted and exploring further the relationship between these two characters. The relationship within themselves. . . and each other.