At its simplest level, Plushophilia is an intense love of stuffed animals – also called plushies. Plushophilia is only a mental health disorder if the individual becomes obsessed – to the point that it interferes with their ability to function socially. The word can also mean a sexual attraction to stuffed animals.

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Beautifully Directed by Jeremiah Kipp, LOST + FOUND is a haunting retelling of Satan’s fall from Heaven – and ‘her’ plot for revenge.

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Written and Directed by D. R. Tibbits, PINEBOX is a unique story that explores the world of a man named Merle. Merle (Kevin Breznahan) is a man who attends wakes and funerals – for people he doesn’t know. He also works in a funeral parlor with Lew (Brian T. Finney).

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Written, Produced and Directed by Debra Markowitz, THE WAITING ROOM touches on questions we all have regarding the afterlife. Do we immediately go to Heaven? Will our loved ones greet us?

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Kenny has been scared all his life to stand up for what he thought was right. That is until he meets Rosie.

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The film opens up with white haze hovering over a woman in bed. Score sets the tone. The woman’s head now rests on a man’s bare chest – listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. Meet Cassandra – played beautifully by Elisabeth Jamison. The moment sharply changes to reality when that beating heart is that of another man. Her beloved husband, Eddie, has died. In a charming opening scene, we realize the man in bed has Eddie’s kidneys.

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Official selection of the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival and Winner Grand Jury Award for Best Short Film (Live Action) at the 2017 Edmonton International Film Festival, WHERE THERE’S SMOKE is a poignant story about one New York City Firefighter.

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BUS 44

Based on a true story, BUS 44 is an Award Winning Chinese short film (subtitles) Written, Directed and Produced by Dayyan Eng.

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PUSH is a short film about a restless, bored, pregnant woman (Justine Bateman) who gives a defiant 12-year old boy (Nolan Gross) a ride home – pushing him over an emotional line he did not know he would be crossing that day.

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